To configure the CookieAuthenticator
service you must use the CookieAuthenticatorSettings
class. This class has the following form:
case class CookieAuthenticatorSettings(
cookieName: String = "id",
cookiePath: String = "/",
cookieDomain: Option[String] = None,
secureCookie: Boolean = true,
httpOnlyCookie: Boolean = true,
useFingerprinting: Boolean = true,
cookieMaxAge: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
authenticatorExpiry: FiniteDuration = 12 hours)
Property |
Description |
The cookie name |
The cookie path |
The cookie domain |
Whether this cookie is secured, sent only for HTTPS requests. Note: |
Whether this cookie is HTTP only, i.e. not accessible from client-side JavaScript code |
Indicates if a fingerprint of the user should be stored in the authenticator |
The duration a cookie expires. |
The duration an authenticator can be idle before it timed out. This means, if you set the time to 5 minutes then a user will be logged out if he visits the site again after 5 minutes and 1 second. If he visits the site before the authenticator times out then he has again 5 minutes until the authenticator times out. |
The duration an authenticator expires after it was created. This means, if the timeout is set to 1 day, then the authenticator expires definitely after one day. |
authenticator.cookieName = "authenticator"
authenticator.cookiePath = "/"
authenticator.secureCookie = false
authenticator.httpOnlyCookie = true
authenticator.useFingerprinting = true
authenticator.authenticatorIdleTimeout = 30 minutes
authenticator.authenticatorExpiry = 12 hours
To configure the SessionAuthenticator
service you must use the SessionAuthenticatorSettings
class. This class has the following form:
case class SessionAuthenticatorSettings(
sessionKey: String = "authenticator",
useFingerprinting: Boolean = true,
authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
authenticatorExpiry: FiniteDuration = 12 hours)
Property |
Description |
The key of the authenticator in the session |
Indicates if a fingerprint of the user should be stored in the |
The duration an authenticator can be idle before it timed out. This means, if you set the time to 5 minutes then a user will be logged out if he visits the site again after 5 minutes and 1 second. If he visits the site before the authenticator times out then he has again 5 minutes until the authenticator times out. |
The duration an authenticator expires after it was created. This means, if the timeout is set to 1 day, then the authenticator expires definitely after one day. |
authenticator.sessionKey = "authenticator"
authenticator.useFingerprinting = true
authenticator.authenticatorIdleTimeout = 30 minutes
authenticator.authenticatorExpiry = 12 hours
To configure the BearerTokenAuthenticator
service you must use the BearerTokenAuthenticatorSettings
class. This class has the following form:
case class BearerTokenAuthenticatorSettings(
fieldName: String = "X-Auth-Token",
requestParts: Option[Seq[RequestPart.Value]] = Some(Seq(RequestPart.Headers)),
authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
authenticatorExpiry: FiniteDuration = 12 hours)
Property |
Description |
The name of the field in which the token will be transferred in any part of the request |
Some request parts from which a value can be extracted or None to extract values from any part of the request. Default is set to |
The duration an authenticator can be idle before it timed out. This means, if you set the time to 5 minutes then a user will be logged out if he visits the site again after 5 minutes and 1 second. If he visits the site before the authenticator times out then he has again 5 minutes until the authenticator times out. |
The duration an authenticator expires after it was created. This means, if the timeout is set to 1 day, then the authenticator expires definitely after one day. |
Enumeration based values in the configuration
configuration property usesEnumeration
based values. This values can be parsed with Ficus if you import the additional EnumerationReader.
authenticator.fieldName = "X-Auth-Token"
authenticator.authenticatorIdleTimeout = 30 minutes
authenticator.authenticatorExpiry = 12 hours
To configure the JWTAuthenticator
service you must use the JWTAuthenticatorSettings
class. This class has the following form:
case class JWTAuthenticatorSettings(
fieldName: String = "X-Auth-Token",
requestParts: Option[Seq[RequestPart.Value]] = Some(Seq(RequestPart.Headers)),
issuerClaim: String = "play-silhouette",
authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
authenticatorExpiry: FiniteDuration = 12 hours,
sharedSecret: String)
Property |
Description |
The name of the field in which the token will be transferred in any part of the request |
Some request parts from which a value can be extracted or None to extract values from any part of the request. Default is set to |
The issuer claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT |
The duration an authenticator can be idle before it times out. This means, if you set the time to 5 minutes then a user will be logged out if he visits the site again after 5 minutes and 1 second. If he visits the site before the authenticator times out then he has again 5 minutes until the authenticator times out. |
The duration an authenticator expires after it was created. This means, if the timeout is set to 1 day, then the authenticator expires definitely after one day. |
The shared secret to sign the JWT |
Enumeration based values in the configuration
configuration property usesEnumeration
based values. This values can be parsed with Ficus if you import the additional EnumerationReader.
authenticator.fieldName = "X-Auth-Token"
authenticator.requestParts = ["headers"]
authenticator.issuerClaim = "play-angular-silhouette"
authenticator.authenticatorExpiry = 12 hours
authenticator.sharedSecret = "changeme"
Updated less than a minute ago
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